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Access TomTom navigation solution via URL scheme

I'm currently working on an iPhone Application which allows the user to navigate to POIs. Those POIs are defined via lat/lon, and the user should have the possibility to start his navigation solution with one click to navigate to this POI.

This works fine with Navigon, using URL scheme navigon://myapp|name||||||lat|lon

Now I know that there is an URL scheme named tomtomplus:// for the TomTom iPhone app, I'm only able to start tomtom, no other action is possile.

I tried tomtomhome://geo:action=navigateto&lat=mylat&long=mylon&name=myname - but did not work. Only tomtom app is starting.

Even when I try to go over the API, tomtom does only start, no action in adding and POI or chance to navigate to.


NSString* launchurl = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"tomtomhome://geo:action=navigateto&lat=%.8f&long=%.8f&name=%@", myEntry.getLon, myEntry.getLat,];

[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:[launchurl stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]]];

Any suggestions?


  • I used Tomtom to send me an email from the route planning option on my iPhone. In that email is a tomtomhome:geo link which I used. To test I clicked on the link on my Mac in Safari, and obviously nothing happened. Then I saved the link as a bookmark, which immediately is synced to my iPhone using MobileMe. I clicked on the bookmark on my iPhone Safari browser and viola Tomtom opens with a map centred to the location in the link. It pops up with a balloon with the links name, and an right arrow allows me to choose first option "Navigate there"

    The link generated is:

    • tomtomhome:geo:action=show&lat=26.123456&long=28.123456&name=linkname