This is a very strange thing happening i dont know why. I have created a mapping that transforms the data via expression and loads the data into the target(file) based on lookup on the same target.
Source table
Acne Lmtd
Acne Ltd
Abc Ltd
Abc Ltd
= tgt.company_name)
ReturnPort is CompId
-> filter(ISNULL(CompId))
-> Target
Compid (via sequence
The above mapping logic inserts duplicate companynames as well like in source 2 Abc Ltd records same is repeated in target as well. I dont know why. I have tried to debug as well the condition evaluates to true in filter that companyid is null even if the record is already inserted in target.
Also, i thought it might be the case of lookup cache i do enabled dynamic as well but same result. It should have worked like an sql query
select company_id
From lkptarget where
In (select company_name
Therefore, for Abc Ltd the filter condition should have result in false
Isnull(company_id) false
But, this is getting true. How do I get unique records via lookup and without using distinct?
Note: lookup used is dynamic lookup already
That was in fact a dynamic cache issue the newLookupRow gets assigned a value of 0 on duplicates so I have added the condition in filter as ISNULL(COMPANYID) AND NEWLOOKUPROW=1 and finally that did work.