I have a 2d array SomeData* data[4096][4096]
. Here the data is contiguous along the last coordinate, so that iterating over the y coordinate is faster than iterating over the x coordinate, due to memory locality. However, the access pattern I have is that I look at an entry, and then look at nearby neighbours in both coordinates, i.e. data[x][y] along with data[x-1][y-1], data[x+1][y+1], etc.
If I could allocate this array such that small 2d sub-blocks were contiguous in memory, that would speed things up.
I say allocate, but I suspect the solution here is to allocate a 2d array normally, and then do some trick with the indexing, such that I'm accessing 2d blocks contiguously. In other words, I want some lookup function that translates the coordinates, but I can't immediately see what it should be.
SomeData* data[4096][4096];
SomeData* lookup(size_t x, size_t y) {
//??? Some logic to translate x,y such that 2d blocks are accessed contiguously.
The data array is guaranteed to have both dimensions be a power of two.
Lets say we have a nxm-grid. We want to subdivide the grid into bxb-blocks. It is necessary that n%b=0 and m%b=0.
Lets call the overall indices I=0,...,n-1 and J=0,...,m-1 and the indices in a block i=0,...,b-1 and j=0,...,b-1.
I have tried to sketch the layout here.
Given I, the column index of the block is (I/b) and the in-block-index i=I%b. The row-index of the block is (J/b) and the in-block-index j=J%b.
Each full block contins b*b elements. Therefore a full row of blocks contains (n/b)bb = n*b elements.
Putting all together the linear index of element (I,J) is:
A rough sketch of a runtime-sized blocked-grid-class:
template <typename T>
class Block_Grid
Block_Grid(std::size_t n, std::size_t m, std::size_t b)
: _n(n), _m(m), _b(b), _elements(n * m)
assert(n % b == 0);
assert(m % b == 0);
T & operator()(std::size_t i, std::size_t j)
return _elements[index(i, j)];
std::size_t index(int i, int j) const
return (i % b)
+ (j % b) * b
+ (i / b) * b * b
+ (j / b) * n * b;
std::size_t _n;
std::size_t _m;
std::size_t _b;
std::vector<T> _elements;
or a compile-time-sized class
template <typename T, std::size_t N, std::size_t M, std::size_t B>
class Block_Grid
static_assert(N % B == 0);
static_assert(M % B == 0);
Block_Grid() = default;
T & operator()(std::size_t i, std::size_t j)
return _elements[index(i, j)];
std::size_t index(std::size_t i, std::size_t j) const
return (i % B) + (j % B) * B + (i / B) * B * B + (j / B) * N * B;
std::array<T, N * M> _elements;