I extract data using API and retrieve a list of servers and backups. Some servers have more than one backup. This is how I get list of all servers with backaup IDs.
bkplist = requests.get('https://heee.com/1.2/storage/backup')
bkplist_json = bkplist.json()
backup_list = bkplist.json()
backupl = backup_list['storages']['storage']
Json looks like this:
"storages": {
"storage": [
"access": "",
"created": "",
"license": ,
"origin": "01165",
"size": ,
"state": "",
"title": "",
"type": "backup",
"uuid": "01019",
"zone": ""
Firstly I create a dictionary to store this data:
backup = {}
for u in backup_list['storages']['storage']:
srvuuidorg = u['origin']
backup_uuid = u['uuid']
backup[srvuuidorg] = backup_uuid
But then I find out there is more than one value for every server. As dictionary can have just one value assigned to one key I wanted to use some hybrid of list and dictionary, but I just can't figure it out how to do this with this example.
Servers are nested in storages->storage and I need to assign a couple of uuid which is backup ID to one origin which is server ID.
I know about collections module and with a simple example it is quite understandable, but I have a problem how to use this in my example with extracting data through API.
How extract origin and assign to this key other values stored in json uuid?
What's more it is a massive amount of data so I cannot add every value manually.
You can do something like this.
from collections import defaultdict
backup = defaultdict(list)
for u in backup_list['storages']['storage']:
srvuuidorg = u['origin']
backup_uuid = u['uuid']
Note that you can simplify your loop like this.
from collections import defaultdict
backup = defaultdict(list)
for u in backup_list['storages']['storage']:
But this may be considering as less readable.