I would like to save a workspace in another directory and I have written the following in Matlab for it:
fileName = [datestr(now, 'dd-mmm-yyyy_HHMMSS') '_test'];
It gives me the error: Error using save: '05-Nov-2019_083736_test' is not a valid variable name.
But if I run without giving an address of the directory it workes perfectly.
Why does it happen?
You can either use il_raffa's suggestion from the comments (with a small correction):
save(['C:\Users\User\project\' fileName])
% ^ add a folder separator here
or use the fullfile
function, to avoid errors due to forgotten folder separators:
save(fullfile('C:\Users\User\project', fileName));
This works also for subfolders and filenames, e.g.
save(fullfile('C:\Users\User\project', 'matfiles', fileName));