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How can I make the placeholder of a button dynamic in Vue?

At this moment, I have a component which is a component for a Selectbox which is used throughout the application. I want to set the placeholder dynamically, so that you can use the button wherever you want, and I know you can do this with Vue Slots, but I don't know how:

For example, I want to achieve this:

<SDSelectBox>Amount of Items</SDSelectBox> and another use case <SDSelectBox>How many items do you want?</SDSelectBox>

which basically replaces the placeholder of the item.

Thanks in advance.


  • You can make the placeholder dynamic by passing a prop to your component and then setting the placeholder to the value of the prop.
    Like so:

    <SDSelectBox :placeHolder="someValueFromCurrentComponent"></SDSelectBox>
    //Inside the SDSelectBox
       <option value="" disabled selected>{{placeholder}}</option>
    props: ['placeHolder'],

    Or with a slot you can simply insert into the SDSelectBox:

    //parent component
     <option value="" disabled selected>{{placeholder}}</option>