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Fast method for testing a bit of a large int

In a number-theoretic algorithm manipulating very large integer n (hundred thousand bits to few millions), I need to test the jth bit. Either of these work:

if 1<<j & n != 0 :
    # bit j of n is set

if n>>j & 1 != 0 :
    # bit j of n is set

but the duration of the test grows linearly with n.bit_length() (for j half that). Otherwise said per big-O notation, time is O(log(n)), when that could be O(1).

Is there an O(1) idiom to test a bit of an int in Python 3(.8), like we have mpz_tstbit() in GMP?

If not, where is the drop box for Python suggestions?

Addition per comment: n.bit_length() is at most 1<<24, with j < n.bit_length() and j>=0.


  • Disclaimer: I maintain gmpy2.

    gmpy2 supports bit access in a few different ways. The gmpy2.bit_test(n,j) will test the j-th bit of n. n can be either a Python integer or a gmpy2 integer type.

    >>> gmpy2.bit_test(78,2)

    The gmpy2.mpz integer type support a bit_test method. Other methods are also supported.

    >>> a=gmpy2.mpz(123456)
    >>> a.bit_test(27)

    gmpy2.xmpz is a mutable integer type that supports bit access, including setting bits and accessing slices of bits.

    >>> a=gmpy2.xmpz(123456)
    >>> a[27]
    >>> a[27]=1
    >>> a[27]
    >>> a[27:30]
    >>> a[27:30] = -1
    >>> a[27:30]

    You can use xmpz integers in normal math operations. If you only use immediate operations (+=, *=, etc.), then the xmpz object will be updated in-place.

    >>> a
    >>> b=a
    >>> a+=9999
    >>> a
    >>> b

    xmpz integers are a little strange at times, but they usually are very fast for direct bit access.