I am trying to copy 'specific files' from one folder to another. when I am trying to use Wild card operator (*) at the end, the copy does not happen.
But if I provide just the folder name, then all the files from this source folder are copied to target folder without any issues.
Problem: File copy does not happen when Wild card operator is used. Can you please help me to fix the problem?
def copy_blob_files(account_name, account_key, copy_from_container, copy_to_container, copy_from_prefix):
blob_service = BlockBlobService(account_name=account_name, account_key=account_key)
files = blob_service.list_blobs(copy_from_container, prefix=copy_from_prefix)
for f in files:
blob_service.copy_blob(copy_to_container, f.name.replace(copy_from_prefix,""), f"https://{account_name}.blob.core.windows.net/{copy_from_container}/{f.name}")
print('Could not copy files from source to target')
copy_from_prefix = 'Folder1/FileName_20191104*.csv'
copy_blob_files (accountName, accesskey, copy_fromcontainer, copy_to_container, copy_from_prefix)
The copy_blob
method does not support wildcard.
1.If you want to copy specified pattern of blobs, you can filter the blobs in list_blobs()
method with prefix(it also does not support wildcard). In your case, the prefix looks like copy_from_prefix = 'Folder1/FileName_20191104'
, note that there is no wildcard.
The code below works at my side, and all the specified pattern files are copies and blob name replaced:
from azure.storage.blob import BlockBlobService
account_name ="xxx"
account_key ="xxx"
copy_to_container ="test4"
#remove the wildcard
copy_from_prefix = 'Folder1/FileName_20191104'
def copy_blob_files(account_name, account_key, copy_from_container, copy_to_container, copy_from_prefix):
block_blob_service = BlockBlobService(account_name,account_key)
files = block_blob_service.list_blobs(copy_from_container,copy_from_prefix)
for file in files:
print('could not copy files')
2.Another way as others mentioned, you can use python to call azcopy(you can use azcopy v10, which is just a .exe file). And for using wildcard in azcopy, you can follow this doc. Then you write you own azcopy command, at last, write your python code as below:
import subprocess
#the path of azcopy.exe, v10 version
exepath = "D:\\azcopy\\v10\\azcopy.exe"
myscript= "your azcopy command"
#call the azcopy command