I have a CSV file with which contains labels and their translation in different languages:
name en_GB de_DE
ElementsButtonAbort Abort Abbrechen
ElementsButtonConfirm Confirm Bestätigen
ElementsButtonDelete Delete Löschen
ElementsButtonEdit Edit Ãndern
I want to convert this CSV into JSON into following pattern using Python:
"de_De": {
"ElementsButtonAbort": "Abbrechen"
"ElementsButtonAbort": "Abort"
How can I do this using Python?
Say your data is as such:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame([["ElementsButtonAbort", "Abort", "Arbrechen"],
["ElementsButtonConfirm", "Confirm", "Bestätigen"],
["ElementsButtonDelete", "Delete", "Löschen"],
["ElementsButtonEdit", "Edit", "Ãndern"]],
columns=["name", "en_GB", "de_DE"])
Then, this might not be the best way to do it but at least it works:
df.set_index("name", drop=True, inplace=True)
translations = df.to_dict()
Now, if you want to have get exactly the dictionary that you show as desired output, you can do:
for language in translations.keys():
_ = translations[language]
translations[language] = {}
translations[language]["translations"] = _
Finally, if you wish to save your dictionary into JSON:
import json
with open('PATH/TO/YOUR/DIRECTORY/translations.json', 'w') as fp:
json.dump(translations, fp)