I would like to keep all the coefficient of stepAIC. Set 0 for the omitted variable and display it same as coef(glm.model)
glm.model=suppressWarnings(glm(as.factor(diagnosis)~.,family = "binomial",data = dat))
step.model=stepAIC(glm.model,trace = FALSE,direction="both")
Originally I have 30 variables, I would like to display all it out from stepAIC and set the value to 0 if it was omitted from stepwise
You can try this below, i use an example dataset from MASS.
glm.model <- glm(low ~ ., family = binomial, data = bwt)
step.model <- stepAIC(glm.model, trace = FALSE)
# on a vector
# create an empty vector of zeros
STEP_COEF = vector("numeric",length(coefficients(glm.model)))
#same names
names(STEP_COEF) = names(coefficients(glm.model))
#fill in the ones found in step
STEP_COEF[names(coefficients(step.model))] = as.numeric(coefficients(step.model))
(Intercept) age lwt raceblack raceother smokeTRUE
-0.12532604 0.00000000 -0.01591847 1.30085571 0.85441418 0.86658183
ptdTRUE htTRUE uiTRUE ftv1 ftv2+
1.12885661 1.86689526 0.75064880 0.00000000 0.00000000