I'm looking for throttling information and this is the best that I've been able to find so far: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/search/search-limits-quotas-capacity#throttling-limits
For doing a search
https://{{search-service}}.search.windows.net/indexes/:index/docs?api-version={{version}}&search=some text
Is this line from the reference page above the limit for searches?
Get Index (GET /indexes/myindex): 10 per second per search unit
I'm trying to see what the limit is for searching only under ideal scenario of nothing else happening such as an indexer running.
For Azure search, there are 2 kinds of APIs: Query APIs (Search/Suggest/Autocomplete) and Index APIs .
The one you mentioned belongs to Index APIs:
Get Index (GET /indexes/myindex): 10 per second per search unit
If you want to know Query APIs(searching) limit (QPS limit), this doc will be helpful: