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deleting existing docker images from EC2 using Jenkins

I have to run some containers from the images present in AWS ECR.As i need to automate this i am using Jenkins.

I have 4 ECR repositories as soon as a new version of image comes in this repository my jenkins job will trigger and create a new container.So as the code of microservice is changing and i am getting new image in ECR i have to delete the old container and run the new one on same port.

I am using "Send file or execute commands over SSH" of Jenkins to do this. Then i am providing commands like below

   aws ecr get-login --no-include-email >
   docker pull 
   docker run -d -p 8081:80

Now the problem is whenever i get new image i have to stop the earlier container running and for that i need container-id. I dont know to fetch container-id here to stop the container.Any help in this is highly appreciated.


  • The answer is already given but one important thing that I will never suggest to remove container using

    docker rm -f

    which sends SIGKILL directly without grace period.

    The best way to deal is to first stop the container then remove the container, It sends SIGTERM first, then, after a grace period, SIGKILL.

    Also if you are not running ECS then the hardcoded name is enough, as you are not running both containers simultaneously, so

    docker run --rm --name my_container -d -p 8081:80

    so during deployment all you need docker stop my_container it will stop and the container also will release the name, so you are good to go deploy again with same name.

    docker run --rm --name my_container -d -p 8081:80