I want to perform a "dispatch refresh" using the pipelines in Azure DevOps, however I couldn't find any reference or documentation that performs the process. I've got the idea of using the pipelines in Azure DevOps for performing "dispatch refresh" from one of the comments in this question in StackOverflow.
Your help would be much appreciated.
To able to use the dispatch
in Azure Devops, please first use Command line
task to execute the command:
npm install -g botdispatch
After this installed, you could run the refresh command:
dispatch refresh [options]
dispatch refresh --publishToStaging true --useAllTrainingData true
dispatch refresh --bot c:\src\bot\testbot.bot --secret <your_bot_file_secret>
If you also not to familiar with how to set CI/CD for your bot service, you can follow this blog: Setting up a Build and Release Pipeline for Azure Bot Service using Azure DevOps
Since you have not provide too much details about what's your confusion, if these could not help, feel free to leave comment.