I want the nodes in my simulation to use AODV protocol to rout packets to the RSU (i don't want the packets to be broadcasted), I know that AODV is implemented in inet but i can't figure out how to use inet models in veins simulation. I added inet4 and veins_inet the veins sub-project to the workspace but I don't know what to do next I'm using :
Veins5 Inet4 OMNET-5.5.1
can anyone help me please
By adding Veins 5.0 and its veins_inet
subproject to your INET simulation (in the IDE: just import both to your workspace, then mark these projects as required for your simulation), you can use Veins as an INET mobility module:
Write your INET simulation as you normally would (e.g., just using random waypoint mobility for your hosts). When you are ready to switch to hosts moving like cars, change their mobility to VeinsInetMobility
Two more changes are required to make this work: first, your simulation must include one module of name manager
and type VeinsInetManager
. Second, your hosts must be able to configure their network stack at runtime, which can be done by setting their networkConfiguratorModule
to ""
and including one module of type HostAutoConfigurator
in each host.
You can find a complete example of how to write an INET simulation that uses Veins to control host movement at https://github.com/sommer/veins/tree/veins-5.0/subprojects/veins_inet/examples/veins_inet