I am trying to understand Odoo's models - I know Django quite well but am having trouble understanding Odoo, mainly because the documentation is generally so awful.
Suppose I have some models like this:
class Publisher(models.model):
name = fields.Char('Name',help='Publisher name')
class Book(model.model):
publisher = fields.Many2one('whatever.publisher',string='Publisher')
Now suppose I have a Book object "mybook". How do I get the Publisher object? Is it just mybook.publisher?
Also in Django I could define a reverse relationship (using "related_name") so that publisher.books.all() would give me all the reverse relationships, ie all the books for the publisher. What is the equivalent in Odoo? Or in Odoo is it the case that I must explicitly declare a One2many relationship from Publisher to Book in addition to the Many2one from Book to Publisher?
In Odoo it also looks like you can define a One2many relationship:
class Publisher(models.model):
published_books = fields.One2many('whatever.book','author',string='Published books')
So if I have a publisher object 'publisher' then how do I get a list of the publisher's published books? Is it just publisher.published_books?
Finally we have fields.Many2many
class Store(models.model):
book_ids = fields.Many2many('whatever.book',string='Books')
In this case, a Store sells many books and a Book can be in many stores.
So how do I get the books in a store? How do I get all the stores for a given book?
Also, if I want book.stores as well as store.books, does this mean I have to declare a fields.Many2many relationship in both Book and Store models?
I'm pretty shocked this is so hard to find in the Odoo documentation.
Yes, you have to add Many2many
fields on both model:
class Store(models.model):
book_ids = fields.Many2many(comodel_name='whatever.book',string='Books', column1='book_id', column2='store_id')
class Book(models.model):
store_ids = fields.Many2many(comodel_name='whatever.store',string='Stores', column2='book_id', column1='store_id')
For a particular store record, you can get all the books using:
For a particular book record, you can get all the stores using: