Hi I'm trying to create html from template in Odoo 12. I know from previous Odoo 8 we can use
html = self.env['report'].get_html(self, 'my_addon.my_template')
method is no longer supported in Odoo 12. I read it was replaced by render_qweb_html
But when I tried like this
html = self.env['ir.actions.report'].render_qweb_html(self, 'my_addon.my_template')
Odoo respond with
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'setdefault'
Am I using the method incorrectly? Can anyone point where I made the mistake? I have looked for samples in the addons folder, yet found none.
You can user templates render
For more information, you can follow the official documentation of qweb.