I cannot get IdentityServer4 PKCE authorization to work using Postman.
Using online tools I create the necessary parts:
Choose a random string:
Get its SHA-256 hash:
Base64 encode the hash to get the code challenge:
In the browser I navigate to the following URL, fill in my credentials and retrieve the code from the fragmented redirect URL.
GET https://localhost:5000/connect/authorize
When redeeming the code for a token I pass the code_verifier (SHA-256 hash) but my IdentityServer logs the following error:
"Transformed code verifier does not match code challenge".
POST https://localhost:5000/connect/token
In his blog post, the author uses the following code to generate the parts.
var verifier = CryptoRandom.CreateRandomKeyString(64);
var challenge = verifier.ToCodeChallenge();
but I cannot find the code in the repositories for the ToCodeChallenge
Why doesn't my manually generated challenge match the one used in the verification process, what am I missing?
While putting this question together I came across the specification document for PKCE and found the following line:
code_challenge = BASE64URL-ENCODE(SHA256(ASCII(code_verifier)))
It turns out the ASCII part is not carried out by the online tools that I used.
Implementing the steps in code I get the following which, when substituting the values from before, passes the verification in the second step of the process.
var codeVerifier = "c775e7b757ede630cd0aa1113bd102661ab38829ca52a6422ab782862f268646";
var codeVerifierBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(codeVerifier);
var hashedBytes = codeVerifierBytes.Sha256();
var transformedCodeVerifier = Base64Url.Encode(hashedBytes);
code_challenge: 51FaJvQFsiNdiFWIq2EMWUKeAqD47dqU_cHzJpfHl-Q
code_verifier: c775e7b757ede630cd0aa1113bd102661ab38829ca52a6422ab782862f268646