I've setup a react-bootstrap-table2 (aka react-bootstrap-table-next) table like this:
function buttonFormatter(cell, row) {
return (
row={ row }
auctionId={ auctionId }
teamId={ teamId }
const queue_columns = [{
dataField: 'player.num',
text: 'Player Num',
editable: false
}, {
dataField: 'player.name',
text: 'Player',
editable: false
}, {
dataField: 'player.position',
text: 'Position',
editable: false
}, {
dataField: 'initialBid',
text: 'Initial Bid',
}, {
text: 'Nominate',
formatter: buttonFormatter,
editable: false
return (
bootstrap4={ true }
data={ this.state.data }
columns={ queue_columns }
cellEdit={ cellEditFactory({ mode: 'click',
blurToSave: true }) }
hover />
Here's what the table looks like:
The problem is that the row object is passed into the NominateButton component when the table is created, so when the initialBid column is updated that updated value is not updated in the row property to the NominateButton for that row. The NominateButton uses that initialBid value in a GraphQL mutation.
After an Initial Bid cell in a row is edited and changed, how do I somehow update the state of the NominateButton with that changed value?
Is there some way to specify a function name in the call to cellEditFactory (with the afterSaveCell key) and pass that function name as a property into NominateButton?
I solved the problem by creating a function that returns the edited value in that row and column and passing the function down into the button component:
getInitialBid = (row) => {
return this.state.data.find(r => r.rank === row.rank).initialBid;
render() {
const { auctionId } = this.props;
const { teamId } = this.props;
const buttonFormatter = (cell, row) => {
return (
row={ row }
auctionId={ auctionId }
teamId={ teamId }
getInitialBid={ this.getInitialBid }
The getInitialBid
function finds the row in the table's data (in the component's state) and returns the data from the editable (initialBid
) column.
The NominateButton
component passes that along to a NominateButtonMutator
class NominateButton extends Component {
render() {
const { row } = this.props;
const { auctionId } = this.props;
const { teamId } = this.props;
const playerId = parseInt(this.props.row.player.id, 10);
return (
auctionId={ auctionId }
teamId={ teamId }
playerId={ playerId }
row={ row }
nominationsOpen={ data.team.nominationsOpen }
subscribeToNominationsOpenChanges={ subscribeToMore }
getInitialBid={ this.props.getInitialBid }
And the NominateButtonMutator
component calls the getInitialBid
function and passes the return value as a variable to an Apollo mutation:
const NominateButtonMutator = (props) => {
const [submitBid] = useMutation(SUBMIT_BID_MUTATION);
return (
disabled={ !props.nominationsOpen }
onClick={ () => {
let initialBid = props.getInitialBid(props.row);
submitBid({ variables: { auction_id: props.auctionId,
team_id: props.teamId,
player_id: props.playerId,
bid_amount: parseInt(initialBid, 10) } });