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Gentics Mesh Schema can't be found after just creating it

I'm able to create a new schema using the MeshRestClient, and get a successful response back.

Although, just after that, I try to create a node using the schema and I get an exception about missing the referenced schema.

Log output from creating a schema -

12:30:13.177 [] INFO  [vert.x-worker-thread-9] [] - - POST /api/v1/schemas/f0ee56b03d514a5fae56b03d519a5f04 HTTP/1.1 201 835 - 20 ms
12:30:13.179 [] INFO  [main] [] - created schema - uuid: f0ee56b03d514a5fae56b03d519a5f04, name: form_definition

Then when creating a new node using that schema reference -

Caused by: Error:404 in POST /api/v1/demo/nodes : Not Found Info: Object with uuid "f0ee56b03d514a5fae56b03d519a5f04" could not be found.

I tried setting the schema name and the schema reference in the NodeCreateRequest, but both complain.

    public MeshRequest<NodeResponse> saveFormDefinition(Map<String, Object> form) {
        NodeCreateRequest nodeCreateRequest = new NodeCreateRequest()
        String formName = (String)form.get("name");
        nodeCreateRequest.getFields().putString("name", formName);
        return this.client.createNode(this.meshProjectName, nodeCreateRequest);

Is there a time period I need to wait before it's available? Or any other thoughts?



  • The problem was that I never subscribed to the assignSchemaToProject request -

    client.assignSchemaToProject(meshProjectName, response.getUuid())

    So after I subscribed, the request was executed and now available for the CreateNodeRequest.

    client.assignSchemaToProject(meshProjectName, response.getUuid()).blockingGet();