I'm using Tensorflow 1.14 and the tf.keras
API to build a number (>10) of differnet neural networks. (I'm also interested in the answers to this question using Tensorflow 2). I'm wondering how I should organize my project.
I convert the keras models into estimators using tf.keras.estimator.model_to_estimator
and Tensorboard for visualization. I'm also sometimes using model.summary()
. Each of my models has a number (>20) of hyperparameters and takes as input one of three types of input data. I sometimes use hyperparameter optimization, such that I often manually delete models and use tf.keras.backend.clear_session()
before trying the next set of hyperparameters.
Currently I'm using functions that take hyperparameters as arguments and return the respective compiled keras model to be turned into an estimator. I use three different "Main_Datatype.py" scripts to train models for the three different input data types. All data is loaded from .tfrecord files and there is an input function for each data type, which is used by all estimators taking that type of data as input. I switch between models (i.e. functions returning a model) in the Main scripts. I also have some building blocks that are part of more than one model, for which I use helper functions returning them, piecing together the final result using the Keras functional API.
The slight incompatibilities of the different models are begining to confuse me and I've decided to organise the project using classes. I'm planing to make a class for each model that keeps track of hyperparameters and correct naming of each model and its model directory. However, I'm wondering if there are established or recomended ways to do this in Tensorflow.
Question: Should I be subclassing tf.keras.Model
instead of using functions to build models or python classes that encapsulate them? Would subclassing keras.Model break (or require much work to enable) any of the functionality that I use with keras estimators and tensorboard? I've seen many issues people have with using custom Model classes and am somewhat reluctant to put in the work only to find that it doesn't work for me. Do you have other suggestions how to better organize my project?
Thank you very much in advance.
Subclass only if you absolutely need to. I personally prefer following the following order of implementation. If the complexity of the model you are designing, can not be achieved using the first two options, then of course subclassing is the only option left.