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Best Method for uploading 50,000 Images using File_Put_Contents and File_get_Contents

I have a CSV with roughly 50,000 images. In the CSV file I have a column for each name of the image and a column for the actual URL address to the image. The code cleans up spaces, apostrophe's and commas and replaces the spaces with dashes so that the image names will be easier to read as well as more SEO friendly as the original image names are a combination of letters and numbers.

The approach I am using is placing the code on a stylesheet so in order to activate it I go to https://mysite/stylesheet.php. Once the server downloads around 600 - 700 images I eventually end up getting a 500 error.

What would be the best way to download these 50K images onto the server without getting a timeout? No, I do not have direct access to the server, this is a Hostgator Cloud Business setup. I already increased PHP Memory to 1GB from 256MB and that didn't help at all.

The Code is below:

$filename = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'photo.csv';
$file = fopen($filename, 'r');
while (($line =fgetcsv($file)) !== FALSE)
    $name       =   $line[0];
    $url        =   $line[1];
    $str        =   $name;
    $str        =   str_replace(' '  , '-', strtolower($str)); 
    $str        =   str_replace('\'' , '' , $str);
    $str        =   str_replace(',' , '' , $str);   
    $img        =   'mtg/images/'.$str.'.jpg';
    $img_path   =   dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $img;

    file_put_contents($img_path, file_get_contents($url));   
fclose ($file); ?>


  • Increasing the limit had basically zero effect due to the mass of images. I ended up taking a different approach using a plugin that automatically renames images as they are uploaded via csv file.