I generated SSL certificate with Let's Encrypt and they generated the files:
cert.pem | chain.pem | fullchain.pem | privkey.key | privkey.pem
With the following command I can successfully open all the files except privkey.key and privkey.pem:
openssl x509 -in [filename]
This is the error message:
unable to load certificate 140505945014720:error:0909006C:PEM routines:get_name:no start line:../crypto/pem/pem_lib.c:745:Expecting: TRUSTED CERTIFICATE
Some articles suggest that we need to convert to .der extension using this command bellow but the same error remains ('unable to load'):
openssl x509 -in privkey.pem -outform der -out privkey.der
Private keys aren't certificates and x509
is for certificates. See https://www.openssl.org/docs/man1.1.1/man1/x509.html for information about what x509
can do, if you like.
To look at the private keys, you want pkey
Some articles suggest that we need to convert to .der extension
Probably so solve a different problem with the same error message. It will be shown any time openssl x509
tries to read invalid input:
$ openssl x509 <<<"not a cert"
unable to load certificate
140736021758920:error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line:pem_lib.c:697:Expecting: TRUSTED CERTIFICATE
Future readers, take care so you don't chase wild geese. That particular message basically means "invalid cert provided" but if you search for it you'll see a lot of information online about how to fix your cert, which won't be the same in every case. So you have to really slow down and take a look at what's going on if you see this error. It's absolutely true that some certificate formats have to be changed to a different format for x509
. But all the errors will be the same.
For the record, filename "extension" is basically meaningless at the unix command line. openssl x509
doesn't base anything on the part of the filename after the last .
nor do most other programs ( one notable exception is vim
which uses it to guess syntax highlighting if enabled). But if you want to convert from PEM to DER or any other file format, that's not about renaming the file, it's about changing its content - with another openssl
invocation, most likely. It's not about what you name them, it's what's inside.