This question is about the Python click package and relates to control flow based on arguments passed to the CLI.
I'm trying to build a master CLI to sit at the top directory of my repo, which will control many different modes of operation from one central place. When you invoke this command, it will take perhaps n
options, where the first will determine which module to invoke, and then pass along the n-1
args to another module. But I want each module's commands and options to be defined within its respective module, not the main CLI controller, as I'm trying to keep the main controller simple and each module nicely abstracted away.
Here is a simple example of what I want:
import click
@click.option('--foo-arg', default='asdf')
def foo(foo_arg):
click.echo(f"Hello from foo with arg {foo_arg}")
@click.option('--bar-arg', default='zxcv')
def bar(bar_arg):
click.echo(f"Hello from bar with arg {bar_arg}")
@click.option('--mode', type=click.Choice(["foo", "bar"]))
def cli(mode):
if mode == "foo":
if mode == "bar":
if __name__ == '__main__':
In this example, foo()
and bar()
should be thought of as modules that are buried within the repo and which may also require a large number of CLI options, which I don't want to overload the main
with. I feel like foo()
's CLI options should live within foo
for contextual reasons. The following is how I want it to work.
Example 1:
python -m cli --mode foo --foo-arg asdf
should produce
Hello from foo with arg asdf
Example 2:
python -m cli --mode bar --bar-arg zxcv
should produce
Hello from bar with arg zxcv
Example 3:
python -m cli --mode foo --bar-arg qwer
should fail since foo()
doesn't have the --bar-arg
Disclaimer: I know that I could register foo
and bar
as separate commands (invoked via python -m cli foo --foo-arg asd
, i.e. with foo
instead of --foo
). However, due to a reason beyond the scope of this question, I need foo
or bar
to be specified by the --mode
option identifier. This is a limitation of a tool that interacts with my app, which is unfortunately outside my control.
Is there a way to parse the args and make control flow possible based on a subset of args and then pass the remaining ones to a subsequent module, while not defining every module's options as decorators on def cli()
Using an option to invoke a subcommand can be achieved by using click.MultiCommand
and a custom parse_args()
method like:
def mode_opts_cmds(mode_opt_name, namespace=None):
class RemoteCommandsAsModeOpts(click.MultiCommand):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(RemoteCommandsAsModeOpts, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.mode_opt_name = '--{}'.format(mode_opt_name)
opt = next(p for p in self.params if == mode_opt_name)
assert isinstance(opt.type, click.Choice)
choices = set(opt.type.choices)
self.commands = {k: v for k, v in (
namespace or globals()).items() if k in choices}
for command in self.commands.values():
assert isinstance(command, click.Command)
def parse_args(self, ctx, args):
except ValueError:
super(RemoteCommandsAsModeOpts, self).parse_args(ctx, args)
def list_commands(self, ctx):
return sorted(self.commands)
def get_command(self, ctx, name):
return self.commands[name]
return RemoteCommandsAsModeOpts
To make use of the custom class, invoke the mode_opts_cmds()
function to create the custom class and then use the cls
parameter to pass that class to the
@click.option('--mode', type=click.Choice(["foo", "bar"]))
def cli(mode):
"""My wonderful cli"""
This works because click is a well designed OO framework. The
decorator usually instantiates a click.Group
object but allows this behavior to be over ridden with the cls
parameter. So it is a relatively easy matter to inherit from click.Group
in our own class and over ride desired methods.
In this case we over ride click.Group.parse_args()
so that when the command line is parsed we simply remove --mode
and then the command line parses just like a normal sub-command.
If the custom class is going to reside in a library, then instead of using the default globals()
from the library file, the namespace will need to be passed in. The custom class creator method would then need to be called with something like:'mode', namespace=globals()))
import click
@click.option('--foo-arg', default='asdf')
def foo(foo_arg):
"""the foo command is ok"""
click.echo(f"Hello from foo with arg {foo_arg}")
@click.option('--bar-arg', default='zxcv')
def bar(bar_arg):
"""bar is my favorite"""
click.echo(f"Hello from bar with arg {bar_arg}")'mode'))
@click.option('--mode', type=click.Choice(["foo", "bar"]))
def cli(mode):
"""My wonderful cli command"""
if __name__ == "__main__":
commands = (
'--mode foo --foo-arg asdf',
'--mode bar --bar-arg zxcv',
'--mode foo --bar-arg qwer',
'--mode foo --help',
import sys, time
print('Click Version: {}'.format(click.__version__))
print('Python Version: {}'.format(sys.version))
for command in commands:
print('> ' + command)
except BaseException as exc:
if str(exc) != '0' and \
not isinstance(exc,
(click.ClickException, SystemExit)):
Click Version: 7.0
Python Version: 3.6.3 (v3.6.3:2c5fed8, Oct 3 2017, 18:11:49) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)]
> --mode foo --foo-arg asdf
Hello from foo with arg asdf
> --mode bar --bar-arg zxcv
Hello from bar with arg zxcv
> --mode foo --bar-arg qwer
Usage: foo [OPTIONS]
Try " foo --help" for help.
Error: no such option: --bar-arg
> --mode foo --help
Usage: foo [OPTIONS]
the foo command is ok
--foo-arg TEXT
--help Show this message and exit.
My wonderful cli command
--mode [foo|bar]
--help Show this message and exit.
bar bar is my favorite
foo the foo command is ok