I am trying to generate a random time between 12AM and 6PM. So far I tried the following code:
Random random = new Random();
TimeSpan startWorkDay = new TimeSpan(5, 0, 0);
TimeSpan endWorkDay = new TimeSpan(12, 0, 0);
TimeSpan numberOfMinutes = endWorkDay - startWorkDay;
TimeSpan timeSpan = new TimeSpan(0, random.Next(0, (int)numberOfMinutes.TotalMinutes), 0);
DateTime flightTimeSpan = startWorkDay + timeSpan;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Console.WriteLine(flightTimeSpan.ToString("hh:mm tt"));
what am I doing wrong?
EDIT: The code provided above is saying that I cannot implicitly convert System.TimeSpan to System.DateTime
Here is a way to achieve the goal from the first line of the question.
I am trying to generate a random time between 12AM and 6PM.
var rnd = new Random(i);//Fixed seed, just termporarily
var minutes = rnd.Next(0, 18 * 60);
var timeOfDay = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(minutes);
var rnd = new Random(i);//Fixed seed, just as an example
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
var minutes = rnd.Next(0, 18 * 60);
var timeOfDay = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(minutes);
var dt = new DateTime(2019, 11, 03) + timeOfDay;
Console.WriteLine(dt.ToString("hh:mm tt"));
// .NETCoreApp,Version=v3.0
01:04 PM
04:28 AM
01:52 PM
05:17 AM
02:41 PM
06:05 AM
03:29 PM
06:53 AM
04:18 PM
07:42 AM