When i build my code with minifyEnabled=true
then lifecycle observers don't trigger on any events.
lifecycle.addObserver(object : LifecycleObserver {
fun anyEvent(source: LifecycleOwner, event: Lifecycle.Event) {
// Never triggers
Timber.i("Source=%s, event=%s", source, event)
with version 2.2.0-rc01
(previous versions may be affected too).
The compileSdkVersion
is 28
and I'm testing on an Android 10 (API29) emulator.
After about 4 hours I can answer this myself and I hope this keeps someone else from despairing.
R8 removes some necessary callbacks. I painstakingly went through everything and narrowed it down to these missing:
< androidx.lifecycle.ReportFragment$1
< public void onActivityPostCreated(android.app.Activity,android.os.Bundle)
< public void onActivityPostStarted(android.app.Activity)
< public void onActivityPostResumed(android.app.Activity)
< public void onActivityPrePaused(android.app.Activity)
< public void onActivityPreStopped(android.app.Activity)
< public void onActivityPreDestroyed(android.app.Activity)
< androidx.lifecycle.ReportFragment$ActivityInitializationListener
< public abstract void onCreate()
< public abstract void onStart()
< public abstract void onResume()
The issue is only present if you compile against API 28, but run your code on API 29.
There is an open issue ticket on this: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/142778206
To fix this you can either use compileSdkVersion 29
or include the following proguard rules:
-keepclassmembers class * extends androidx.lifecycle.EmptyActivityLifecycleCallbacks { *; }
-keepclassmembers class androidx.lifecycle.ReportFragment$** { *; }