I have been working on Apollo GQL. I'm using apollo cache to reduce unwanted API calls. The probelm now I'm facing is when i have updated a data i should not re-fetch the data because the API is already called once and stored in cache.
i have to re-fetch the data after the following mutation call.
const [
{ loading: reopenLoading, data: reopenData, error: reopenError },
] = useMutation<IReopenData, IReopenVariables>(INVOICE_CLONE, {
onCompleted: ({ invoiceClone: { errors, status } }) => {
if (!errors || !errors.length) {
message.success("Invoice Reopened");
} else {
message.error(errors.join(" "));
"refetchQueries" is the simplest way of updating the cache.
const [reopenInvoice, { loading: reopenLoading, data: reopenData, error: reopenError }] = useMutation<IReopenData, IReopenVariables>(
onCompleted: ({ invoiceClone: { errors, status } }) => {
if (!errors || !errors.length) {
message.success("Invoice Reopened");
} else {
message.error(errors.join(" "));
refetchQueries: [
variables: {
id: objectID,