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APEX set Style on Text Area

Below is a field I have formatted in Oracle and we want to place it on an APEX form in a Textarea. The data is displayed but the formatting is off.. The number are not in nice columns like below but all over the place. I believe this has something to do with monospaced. Basically spaces and characters do not take up the same space. So I probably need to change the style or font on the Textarea but I have tried everything and it is just not working. I hope someone can help.

The form is fine it is just the textarea I care about. So I don't think I want to set a style on the page properties....

enter image description here


  • I ran a test on APEX 19.1 and the default font for textareas was Menlo, which is a monospaced font. At any rate, if you look at your page properties for Inline under CSS. Then add something like this:

    #P1_TEXTAREA {
      font-family: monospace;

    Just replace the item name with the correct name. That should do the trick.