I would like to use an instance or variable like below in the mailer subject. So I would like to get the user name or some other user detail in the subject, I tried several thing but I receive an error every time. I can't find documentation about this either.
mail(:to => "test@gmail, :subject => "current_user.name") or "<%= current_user.name %>"
class PositionMailer < ActionMailer::Base
default from: "test@gmail.com"
layout 'mailer'
def general_message(position, barge_name)
@position = position
@barge_name = barge_name
mail(:to => "1234@gmail.com, :subject => "#{barge_name}")
def create
@position = Position.new(position_params)
if @position.save!
redirect_to @position
PositionMailer.general_message(@position, @barge_name).deliver
To pass a variable inside quotes you need to do it like this "#{variable.value}
:subject => "#{current_user.name}"
should do it if it has access to current_user
You will have to pass current_user
to the mailer along with the position value.
So wherever you are calling that from add current_user
, probably looks something like this.
PositionMailer.general_message(position, current_user).deliver