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Angular XLSX library, export an array of objects

This is my mock data

mockData: any[] = [
    "id": "456",
    "requestType": "Test",
    "requestDate": "10/15/20",
    "status": "Fail",
    "product": [
         "productName": "product 1",
         "productQty": "12"
         "productName": "product 2",
         "productQty": "22"


toExportFileName(excelFileName: string): string {
    var date = new Date();
    return `${excelFileName}_${date.getMonth() + 1}${date.getDate()}${date.getFullYear()}.xlsx`;

  exportAsExcelFile(json: any[], excelFileName: string): void {
    const worksheet: XLSX.WorkSheet = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(json);
    const workbook: XLSX.WorkBook = { Sheets: { 'data': worksheet }, SheetNames: ['data'] };
    XLSX.writeFile(workbook, this.toExportFileName(excelFileName));

  exportToExcel() {
    this.exportAsExcelFile(this.mockData, 'Shado_Test_Report');

Actual Results:

Actual Output

Expected Results:

Expected Output

I'm trying to tweak the logic to handle the array of objects and specify the position in the xl, Can I achieve the above expected results based on the mockData with xlsx library ??


  • I solved this by changing

    const worksheet: XLSX.WorkSheet = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(json);


    @ViewChild('reportTable') reportTable: ElementRef;
    const ws: XLSX.WorkSheet=XLSX.utils.table_to_sheet(this.reportTable.nativeElement);

    Now I'm exporting HTML Table to Excel and I see the expected results now