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Problem in accessing h2o models after shutting h2o down

I run h2o automl function using R as described in the help and documentation page (accessed by typing ?h2o.automl). The script is as follows:

votes_path <- system.file("extdata", "housevotes.csv", package = "h2o")
votes_hf <- h2o.uploadFile(path = votes_path, header = TRUE)
aml <- h2o.automl(y = "Class", training_frame = votes_hf, max_runtime_secs = 30)

After h2o finished its learning phase, I could retrieve the auc metrics of its models using

auc <- as.vector(aml@leaderboard[,"auc"])

Then I saved my session for later usage using


The problem is, the auc retrieval did not succeed anymore after the h2o instance changed because, for example, h2o shut down function had been triggered or R session had been closed. This still happened even after I reactivate h2o instance using h2o.init(). What I do now, is saving every model h2o.automl() has provided just after it finishes learning.

The error messages when I tried to access auc are:

ERROR: Unexpected HTTP Status code: 400 Bad Request (url = http://localhost:54321/99/Rapids)
Error in .h2o.doSafeREST(h2oRestApiVersion = h2oRestApiVersion, urlSuffix = page,  : 


Name lookup of 'RTMP_sid_978c_5' failed

I would like to know if it is the right way or there is still a chance that I can have access to h2o.automl() results by only loading h2o variables saved in R environment. FYI, my systems are:

H2O cluster version:
R Version:                  R version 3.6.0 (2019-04-26)

Thank you.


  • The R environment doesn't actually contain H2O-3 models.

    R is just a front-end for H2O. The H2O-3 back-end is a java process, and it stores data and model in-memory.

    See the picture here for how the R front-end and H2O-3 java back-end interact:

    As such, you need to save and restore them to/from disk with h2o.saveModel and h2o.loadModel methods:

    Without doing this, a second invocation of h2o.init() (assuming the java process is not already running) will just have a "blank" H2O-3 java process with nothing yet residing in-memory.