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I can successfully create a sheet with gspread with the data but the functionality to notify/email the users no longer works. Where's the error here?

The functionality of notifying users of the spreadsheet creation is not working. It used to work and I noticed in the documentation it has been updated 24th September 2019 so maybe this is a version problem?

I've tried variants of True/ yes in the notify section as per the documentation : - page 13

my_test_spread = Spread("My_sheet_"+date_format, create_spread=True, scope=['openid', '', '', ''], creds=credentials,  permissions=["|writer|True","|writer|True","|writer|True" ])

my_test_spread.df_to_sheet(control, index=False, sheet='Control', start='A1', replace=True)

I expect the users roger,bob and emily to receive an email on creation of the sheet


I also have tried this outside of the gspread-pandas wrapper in just gspread. I tried the share method and the insert_permission method below. Neither have worked!

gc = gspread.authorize(credentials2)
sh ="My_sheet_"+date_format)
sh.share("" ,perm_type="user" , role="writer",notify="True" ,email_message ="Here is this weeks list")
gc.insert_permission(, "", perm_type="user", role="writer", notify=True, email_message="Here is this weeks list")


  • So I have changed nothing and it now works. I'm assuming a package update or something? I received three emails so each of the separate methods: share , insert_permission and Spread's default method now work!