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Let a variable equal multiple values in an if-statement

I am doing data clean-up in Stata and I need to recode a variable to equal 1 if a whole set of other variables are equal to 1, 6, or 7.

I can do this using the code below:

replace anyadl = 1 if diffdress==1 | diffdress==6 | diffdress==7 | ///
                      diffwalk==1  | diffwalk==6  | diffwalk==7  | ///
                      diffbath==1  | diffbath==6  | diffbath==7  | ///
                      diffeat==1   | diffeat==6   | diffeat==7   | ///
                      diffbed==1   | diffbed==6   | diffbed==7   | /// 
                      difftoi==1   | difftoi==6   | difftoi==7

However, this is very inefficient to type out and it is easy to make errors.

Is there a simpler way to do this?

For example, something along the following lines:

replace anyadl = 1 if diff* == (1 | 6 | 7)


  • Your fantasy syntax wouldn't do what you want even if it were legal, as for example 1|6|7 would be evaluated as 1. That is, in Stata 1 OR 6 OR 7 is in effect true OR true OR true, so true, and thus 1, given the rules non-zero is true as input and true is 1 as output. The expression is 1|6|7 is legal; it's the wildcard in an equality or inequality that isn't.

    Stepping back, your code is producing an indicator (some people say dummy) variable with values 1 or missing. In practice such a variable is much more useful if created with values 0 and 1 (and in some instances missing too).

    generate anyad1 = 0 
    foreach v in dress walk bath eat bed toi { 
        replace anyad1 = 1 if inlist(diff`v', 1, 6, 7) 

    is one approach. In general, note both inlist(foo, 1, 6, 7) and inlist(1, foo, bar, bazz) as useful constructs.


    This paper on generating indicators

    This one on useful functions

    This one on inlist() and inrange()

    FAQ on true and false in Stata