I am using odoo web UI.
I am creating a new button in sale.order form to create RFQ.
The server action to create the RFQ is working well but not for the one2many order_line field.
I am getting the Expected singleton error
raise ValueError("Expected singleton: %s" % record)
ValueError: <class 'ValueError'>: "Expected singleton: sale.order.line(706, 707)" while evaluating
Here is the code I use to loop through the records:
for rec in record:
if record.order_line:
for line in record.order_line:
if line.id:
action = {
"type": "ir.actions.server",
"id": 601,
"context": {"active_id": record.order_line.id, "active_model": "sale.order.line"}
The "id":601 action is defined through the UI too:
I tried to use this answer: ValueError: Expected singleton: - Odoo v8
But still have the singleton error.
What am I missing in the code for the action to loop through the lines of the one2many
field order_line
without the singleton error?
IMO issue is in this line "active_id": record.order_line.id
will have a list of records set. You do loop on it which is correct. line
will represent a single record set. So you have to use line
Try with following code:
for rec in record:
for line in rec.order_line:
action = {
"type": "ir.actions.server",
"id": 601,
"context": {"active_id": line.id,
"active_model": "sale.order.line"}