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I would like to understand the manipulation of NfcV ISO-15639

I'm new in NFC Technology!

I have difficulty understanding how to manipulate blocks.

  byte[] cmd = new byte[] {
     (byte)0x20, //FLAG
     (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00, //UID
     (byte)0x00, //OFFSET
     (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00 //DATA

My questions about code above:

What is a FLAG and what is its function?

What is a UID and what is its function? in code the UID line has 8 "index", is it possible to increase or decrease the size? instead of 8 as in code, decrease to 6 or increase to 10?

What is a OFFSET and what is its function?

In line 6 of the commented code as DATA, is this where I define the byte size of my block? In code, it has 4 indexes, does it mean that my data stored in the block will have 4 bytes? can i increase or decrease?

Lets go suppose, i have a 4 bytes data myData = "ABCD", and i want to write this data to block 04 of my tag, how would I do it according to the code mentioned above?


  • I'm not an NfcV expert but below is what I have learnt about Tags and low level access

    What is the Flag byte mean? - Unknown BUT Section 4.1 has details of ISO 15693 Flag meanings

    But one of the Flag means using addressed or un-addressed mode, this leads on to the UID

    What is UID bytes - Most tags have a serial number or Unique IDentifier number

    In addressed mode you have to provide the correct UID of the card you are reading or writing from for it to succeed. This means you won't write or reading from the wrong card. There is a command to read the UID from the card first.

    In un-addressed mode the UID is provided as zeros

    You have worked out the the second byte is 0x21 for an write command.

    0x20 for read command Section 4.2 has details of ISO 15693 Command values and as you can see must of them are Optional or Custom and support and what they do depends on the chip.

    The OFFSET as you put it is the memory block offset from the first block or better described as the memory address (think of this like the page number in a book). Most chips split the memory in to blocks of a set size. There are some chips that use a single byte as the memory address and there are some that use 2 bytes.

    Each block is a set number of bytes, it's common for it to be 4 bytes, but I've seen chip specs where it is 128 bytes.

    The data structure you gave in your question is usually used as a template of a well formed command for chip you are trying to communicate to.

    The DATA 4 bytes in your example are just place holders for the actual data your want to write, you should copy in to the template the actual 4 bytes you want to write before the send the command.

    So when you are using it for write you have to adjust the OFFSET/Memory Address to be the "right page of the book" and copy in the right number of "letters" that can be written on the page in to the DATA part of the template

    Some examples of NfcV code for Android from a chip manufacturer can be seen at the end of

    So the last question Lets go suppose, i have a 4 bytes data myData = "ABCD", and i want to write this data to block 04 of my tag

    example of constructing the command

    // Command Template
    byte[] cmd = new byte[] {
         (byte)0x20, //FLAG
         (byte)0x21, //WRITE SINGLE BLOCK COMMAND
         (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00, //UID
         (byte)0x00, //OFFSET
         (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00 //DATA
    // The data to be written
    String myData = "ABCD";
    // Get the data as bytes
    byte[] data = myData.getBytes();
    // Change the "OFFSET" / "Block number" to the the fourth Block
    // If that what was meant by "block 04"
    // The addresses start at Zero and the byte array starts at zero
    // So the "Block Number" is the 11th byte in the command
    cmd[10] = (byte)((3) & 0x0ff);
    // Copy in 4 bytes of data in to bytes 11 to 15
    // Starting at byte 0 in the data array
    System.arraycopy(data,  0, cmd, 11, 4);

    For Reference what the arraycopy Parameters,%20int,%20java.lang.Object,%20int,%20int)