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Customizations of CKEditor are not applied in Connections 5 CR6

Following the documentation of JS customizations in connections, I want to customize the CKEditor. I unziped the web ressources jar from blogs in {provision_dir}/webresources/:

unzip -d web-ressources-extracted*.jar

Now there is a file called ckeditor.js in web-ressources-extracted/resources. According to this presentation, I copied it to {customization_dir}/lconn/blogs and edited {customization_dir}/lconn/blogs/ckeditor.js.

For testing purpose, I removed the Undo button in the toolbar:

    name: 'tools',
    items: [/*'Undo',*/ 'Redo', 'MenuPaste', 'Find', 'LotusSpellChecker', 'ShowBlocks', 'IbmPermanentPen']

After restarting the common-application, I checked the dedicated blogs application as well as the blogs module in communitys. Both still have the Undo button as first element in the toolbar. It also doesn't help to checkout LotusConnections-config.yml and update versionStamp, which should update all caching buster timestamps on javascript files.

The editor is activated in {customization_dir}/tiny/editors/connections/config.js by setting editor: "CKEditor".

Why are my changes not applied in the CKEditor of blogs?


  • I realized that there was a mistake in the target folder: I copied the editor config file to {customization_dir}/lconn/blogs/ckeditor.js instead of {customization_dir}/javascript/lconn/blogs/ckeditor.js.

    After fixing the path and restarting common, it works.