I was using JDBC to connect to IBM DB2 AS400 for iSeries in my Rails Application. Now it looks like I will have to move to use the ibm_db
I attempted this with irb
first and used the following in a command like:
require 'ibm_db'
This gives me the following error:
SQL30081N A communication error has been detected. Communication protocol being used: \"SSL\". Communication API being used: \"SOCKETS\". Location where the error was detected: \"\". Communication function detecting the error: \"sqlccSSLSocketSetup\". Protocol specific error code(s): \"414\"
I then try without SSL:
SQL30082N Security processing failed with reason \"15\" (\"PROCESSING FAILURE\"). SQLSTATE=08001 SQLCODE=-30082"
These ports and username/pw etc all work fine with JDBC, but not using the ibm_db gem.
EDIT: I tried using different ports, I know that 8471 is open for non-SSL and 9471 is open for SSL. I decided to skip SSL altogether and I started using the db2cli on my Mac OSX.
db2cli execsql -connstring "database=ABCUATDT;hostname=TEST.HERE.COM;port=8471;uid=username;pwd=abcd1234"
This just hangs and doesn't give me a prompt to write SQL:
IBM DATABASE 2 Interactive CLI Sample Program (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1993,1996 All Rights Reserved Licensed Materials - Property of IBM US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
I then tried the python library AND the DB2 CLI - both of which gave the same errors. Is there something needed to be changed at the DB2 side?
Why would it work for JDBC but not for the IBM ODBC driver?
Speak with your i administrator(s) or management team. Stackoverflow may not be not what you need right now. When asking questions, it's smart to fully detail your environment for obvious reasons, if necessary speaking with relevant persons at the client site to establish the facts before asking questions.
Find out whether there is a Db2-connect server (separate purchase) already installed on the i-series. The regular Db2-client for MAC can then communicate with CLI/ODBC via that product which does the required protocol conversions while acting as a gateway.
Find out if there is a Db2-connect server already deployed anywhere that runs on Windows/Linux/Unix that you can use (it does the required protocol conversions while acting as a gateway) once configured with connections for i-series. The regular Db2-client for MAC OS X can then use that as a gateway for CLI/ODBC to i-series.
IBM does not currently sell "IBM i access" for MAC OS X afaik, which offers the CLI/ODBC interface and does not require a Db2-connect server. That product is available for Microsoft Windows and Linux platforms. Those platforms may offer you an alternative if MAC OS X is currently unsupported.
The regular Db2-driver from IBM for MAC OS X requires for CLI/ODBC a Db2-connect server for the protocol conversions with i-series, so db2cli tool will not work without a Db2-connect gateway.
Other non IBM vendors may offer solutions in this area.
Another possibility is to use a ODBC to JDBC bridge, running on your MAC OS X, which would reroute ODBC calls to your working jdbc driver. You might research that.