I am trying to optimize the best conditions for a sequential model I am building in keras.
I have recently come across Hparams dashboards which looks like a really nice way of doing this. However I am running into a problem at the stage of actually running the model to carry out the parameter optimization!
The code I am running (just to begin with taken directly from the tf page)
I have modified the code for Hparams on tf to my sequential model. For the purpose of practice I have removed a dropout layer (as I don't have any in my model) as well as the optimizer. For now I would like to see how my model is affected by changing nodes in layers. My code is as follows:
HP_NUM_UNITS = hp.HParam('num_units', hp.Discrete([16, 32]))
METRIC_ACCURACY = 'accuracy'
with tf.summary.create_file_writer('logs/hparam_tuning').as_default():
metrics=[hp.Metric(METRIC_ACCURACY, display_name='Accuracy')],
def train_test_model(hparams):
model = tf.keras.models.Sequential([
tf.keras.layers.Dense(hparams[HP_NUM_UNITS], activation=tf.nn.relu),
tf.keras.layers.Dense(24, activation=tf.nn.sigmoid),
model.fit(X_train.values, y_train, epochs=50)
_, accuracy = model.evaluate(X_test, y_test)
return accuracy
def run(run_dir, hparams):
with tf.summary.create_file_writer(run_dir).as_default():
hp.hparams(hparams) # record the values used in this trial
accuracy = train_test_model(hparams)
tf.summary.scalar(METRIC_ACCURACY, accuracy, step=1)
Up to this point, everything works fine! for the purpose of my first attempt, i have not changed much apart from removing dropout and optimizer plus applying my own model in the code. I require more units than 16 and 32 etc however this is just for the purpose of making a pipeline...
When I run the following code to execute the optimization, I get the error. the code is:
session_num = 0
for num_units in HP_NUM_UNITS.domain.values:
hparams = {
HP_NUM_UNITS: num_units,
run_name = "run-%d" % session_num
print('--- Starting trial: %s' % run_name)
print({h.name: hparams[h] for h in hparams})
run('logs/hparam_tuning/' + run_name, hparams)
session_num += 1
This throws the error! the error is (which I don't quite understand):
ValueError: Cannot create an execution function which is comprised of elements from multiple graphs.
This error takes place following what looks like the first attempt at a model as for the first set of units (16) a model is fit. If i look at the traceback i get the progress report:
Epoch 1/50 140/140 [==============================] - 0s 3ms/sample - loss: 0.6847 - accuracy: 0.5723...... Epoch 50/50 140/140 [==============================] - 0s 206us/sample - loss: 0.2661 - accuracy: 0.8857
And after this is when I get the error( cannot create an execution function... etc)
I am unsure about how to fix this and any help would be much appreciated!
I am more than happy to provide any more detail/code!
Thank you!
I had the same error and I fixed it by turning my train and test values from pandas dataframe to numpy array. So just use X_train.values and so on so forth.
If this does just tell me at what line is the error exactly occurring at.