I am digging into moleculer.js the only thing i am finding difficult to understand;how to get parameters inside actions of a service below given is my code
const ApiGateway = require("moleculer-web");
module.exports = {
name: "api",
mixins: [ApiGateway],
settings: {
port: process.env.PORT || 3000,
bodyParsers: {
json: true,
urlencoded: { extended: true }
routes: [{
path: "/api",
whitelist: [
assets: {
folder: "public"
Below is my user service where i want to get post parameters
module.exports = {
name: "users",
dependencies: ["guard"],
actions: {
create: {
restricted: [
async handler(ctx,route, req, res) {
this.logger.info("'users.create' has been called.");
const token=await ctx.call("guard.generate",{service:"abc"});
what i want is
const token=await ctx.call("guard.generate",{service:req.body.name});
instead of
const token=await ctx.call("guard.generate",{service:"abc"});
const verify=await ctx.call("guard.check",{token:token});
return [token,verify,req];
Moleculer´s Actions has the following signature: <actionName> (ctx) {// logic}
or <actionName>: { handler (ctx) { // logic}}
So what you have to do is this:
module.exports = {
name: "users",
actions: {
welcome: {
handler(ctx) {
console.log(ctx.params) // Print the request params
// Call other actions ctx.call('serviceName.actionName`, ...data...)
return ctx.params
More info about Actions: https://moleculer.services/docs/0.13/actions.html
The function signaturehandler(ctx,route, req, res)
is a route hook that is used only in API gateway.
More info about Route hooks: https://moleculer.services/docs/0.13/moleculer-web.html#Route-hooks
Also, the req
and res
can't be passed to other services because these objects are not serializable.
Anyway, you might consider checking the video tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4YR6MWrugw
It covers Moleculer's core concepts and shows how to call actions