Trying to figure out how to use a sed command to replace a value when the string i am searching for has double-quotes as part of the string.
I have a config file called ABC.conf that list out the release version like so; "ReleaseSequence": 1555
I want to use sed to change the release number to 2053
I have tried the following sed command;
sed -i 's:"ReleaseSequence":.*:"ReleaseSequence": 2053:' ABC.conf
I get the error message;
sed: -e expression #1, char 24: unknown option to `s'
I have tried to escape the doubel-quotes with [\"], '"""', and "" but sed doesn't like any of those.
The double quotes are not the problem here. You have used :
as the separator although your data also contains literal colons. Use a different separator
sed -i 's#"ReleaseSequence":.*#"ReleaseSequence": 2053#' ABC.conf
or backslash-escape the literal colons.