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Access specific JMX metric information on JConsole for a Spring Boot Application

I have a Spring Boot application packaged as a WAR and deployed on a Tomcat 9 server.

It's been configured to expose the following metrics through JMX:

spring.jmx.default-domain: my-app
management.endpoints.jmx.exposure.include: health,info,metrics

I can connect to Tomcat through JConsole and see the my-app MBean that offers those 3 endpoints:

enter image description here

Selecting Metrics -> Operations - listNames I can get the whole list of metrics exposed, invoking the listNames method:

enter image description here

Now I would like to see a specific metric (e.g. jvm.memory.used), going to metrics -> Operations -> metrics:

enter image description here

However the metric(requiredMetricName, tag) method is disabled.

How can I get the value of a specific metric from the mbean in JConsole?


  • The reason it's disabled is because JConsole won't allow input of parameters of complex types. See

    But if you use an alternative JMX interface (e.g. add Hawtio to your application) then you could use that to invoke the operations.enter image description here