class View(ModelView):
def after_model_change(self, form, model, is_created):
if model.is_enabled:
subject = "subject"
template = render_template('template.html')
mail.send_email(from_email='',, subject=subject, text=template)
I found this solution. edit_form method instantiate model editing form, and I take the value I need. After that in after_model_change method, I check if this value is changed and decide whether to send the email.
class View(ModelView):
def after_model_change(self, form, model, is_created):
if self.user_is_enabled != model.is_enabled:
if model.is_enabled:
subject = "subject"
template = render_template('template.html')
mail.send_email(from_email='',, subject=subject, text=template)
def edit_form(self, obj=None):
self.user_is_enabled = obj.is_enabled
except AttributeError:
return ModelView.edit_form(self, obj)