There's a section in Phoenix's Contexts guide that adds page-view-incrementing functionality to a dummy CMS context. The function that's created in the CMS context looks like this:
def inc_page_views(%Page{} = page) do
{1, [%Page{views: views}]} =
from(p in Page, where: == ^, select: [:views])
|> Repo.update_all(inc: [views: 1])
put_in(page.views, views)
Paraphrasing, inc_page_views
takes a Page
struct, uses its id
to look up the corresponding database record, uses Repo.update_all
to atomically increment the view count (see docs for an interleaving example), ensures that only 1 record was updated, and returns a new Page
with the update view count.
Why does this example use Ecto.Repo.update_all/3
rather than Ecto.Repo.update/2
? Since we know we want to operate on only 1 record, it feels strange to potentially update a bunch of records and retroactively check that we didn't, rather than updating a specific Ecto.Changeset
, which might look something like this:
def inc_page_views(%Page{views: curr_views} = page) do
|> Page.changeset(%{views: curr_views + 1})
|> Repo.update()
This implementation is shorter/simpler, but I'm guessing the Phoenix doc writers didn't use it for a good reason. My hunch is that the Repo.update
version must lack that atomic update property that's supposedly present in the Repo.update_all
version, but I have no idea why! Can someone help explain the difference between these implementations and why the docs might have chosen the first?
def inc_page_views(%Page{views: curr_views} = page) do
|> Page.changeset(%{views: curr_views + 1})
|> Repo.update()
it introduces a race condition. Imagine that you get the page from the database and it has views
equal to 5. Then, while you are running the function above, the other db connection from the other process may change the value from 5 to 6. But since this function doesn't know about it, it will still add 1 to the 5 (now outdated value) and write to the database the value 6
As a result, instead of having the correct value 7, you have 6.
The way to prevent that is to use database locks doing something like that:
|> where(id: ^id)
|> lock("FOR UPDATE")
|> inc_page_views()
Or simply use the Repo.update_all
that makes sure that the operation is atomic.