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Shift + Enter vs Enter in console

I am trying to catch all characters that I input via my stdin stream except EOF. I want to input a multi-line text: each line with \n at the end.

int getline(char s[])

    int c;
    int idx=0;

    while((c=getchar()) != EOF)
        s[idx++] = c;

    printf("\n-EOF found--\n");

    s[idx] = '\0';

    return idx;

I don't know how to get rid of the \n that I get when i press enter, and I was wondering if shif+enter vs enter alone makes any difference. I read about what it does in Microsoft Word: new paragraph vs newline.


  • The answer Removing trailing newline character from fgets() input was linked in the comments, which show you the solution.

    However, I want to point out one other thing here. A common way of ending the input is by pressing Ctrl+D, which will send the EOF to the program. Or at least most (all?) *nix terminals do. But that's a detail specific for the terminal you're using, so you have to read the documentation for your particular terminal.

    I found this answer, which tells you about how to do it on Windows. Unfortunately, the answer is basically that you cannot do it in a good way.