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How do I determine the size of an array at compile time in Rust?

I have a C library that expects string type that explicitly defines the string length:

pub struct FFIStr {
    len: usize,
    data: *const u8,

Because this type is used as a static, I'd like a way to safely declare it using a const function or macro (instead of manually setting len).

My first attempt was to use a macro and len(), however in versions before 1.39.0, it is not possible to get the length of a slice as a const fn:

macro_rules! ffi_string {
    ($x:expr) => {
        FFIStr { len: $x.len(), data: $x as *const u8 }

pub static mut HELLO_WORLD: FFIStr = ffi_string!(b"Hello, world!");

error: core::slice::<impl [T]>::len` is not yet stable as a const function

My second attempt was to use std::mem::size_of<T>, but there doesn't appear to be a way to get the type of the static array short of using generics:

const fn ffi_string<T>(s: &'static T) -> FFIStr {
    FFIStr { len: ::std::mem::size_of::<T>(), data: s as *const _ as *const _ }

pub static mut HELLO_WORLD: FFIStr = ffi_string(b"Hello, world!");

While this works (surprisingly), it's horribly prone to misuse as it wildly casts whatever you pass it to a *const u8.

It seems like const_generics would be a nice solution to this, but they're currently unstable:

const fn ffi_string<const SIZE: usize>(s: &'static [u8; SIZE]) -> FFIStr {
    FFIStr { len: SIZE, data: s as *const u8 }

pub static mut X: FFIStr = ffi_string(b"Hello, world!");

error[E0658]: const generics are unstable

Is there a better way of determining the size of a static array at compile time?


  • In Rust 1.39.0 [T]::len was stabilised as a const function, now making this straight forward:

    const ARRAY: [i32; 3] = [1, 2, 3];
    const ARRAY_SIZE: usize = ARRAY.len();
    fn main() {
        assert_eq!(3, ARRAY_SIZE);

    In earlier versions of Rust, here's one way based on the common C ARRAY_SIZE macro:

    macro_rules! array_size {
        ($x:expr) => (
            (size_of_val($x) / size_of_val(&$x[0]))
    const fn size_of_val<T>(_: &T) -> usize {
    fn main() {
        assert_eq!(3, array_size!(&[1, 2, 3]));
        assert_eq!(13, array_size!(b"Hello, world!"));

    It uses a const generic function size_of_val<T> to determine the type and thus the size of a value passed by reference (the built-in std::mem::size_of_val isn't const).

    Note: This doesn't work for arrays of size 0. This can be fixed by using size_of_val($x) / size_of_val(unsafe { &*$x.as_ptr() }) at the cost of wrongly accepting non-array types (e.g. &String).