I'm trying to debug a regex passed to grep
that doesn't seem to be working just on my system.
This is the full command that should return the latest terraform release version:
wget -qO - "https://api.github.com/repos/hashicorp/terraform/releases/latest" | grep -Po '"tag_name": "v\K.*?(?=")'
Which seems to be working for others but not me.
Adding a *
quantifier after "tag_name":
to match extra spaces makes it work for me:
wget -qO - "https://api.github.com/repos/hashicorp/terraform/releases/latest" | grep -Po '"tag_name": *"v\K.*?(?=")'
Here's the response from the wget
without piping to grep
"url": "https://api.github.com/repos/hashicorp/terraform/releases/20814583",
"assets_url": "https://api.github.com/repos/hashicorp/terraform/releases/20814583/assets",
"upload_url": "https://uploads.github.com/repos/hashicorp/terraform/releases/20814583/assets{?name,label}",
"html_url": "https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/releases/tag/v0.12.12",
"id": 20814583,
"node_id": "MDc6UmVsZWFzZTIwODE0NTgz",
"tag_name": "v0.12.12",
"target_commitish": "master",
"name": "",
"draft": false,
"author": {
"login": "apparentlymart",
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"created_at": "2019-10-18T18:39:16Z",
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"assets": [],
"tarball_url": "https://api.github.com/repos/hashicorp/terraform/tarball/v0.12.12",
"zipball_url": "https://api.github.com/repos/hashicorp/terraform/zipball/v0.12.12",
"body": "BUG FIXES:\r\n\r\n* backend/remote: Don't do local validation of whether variables are set prior to submitting, because only the remote system knows the full set of configured stored variables and environment variables that might contribute. This avoids erroneous error messages about unset required variables for remote runs when those variables will be set by stored variables in the remote workspace. ([#23122](https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/issues/23122))"
And using https://regex101.com I can see that "tag_name": "v\K.*?(?=")
and "tag_name": *"v\K.*?(?=")
both match the version number correctly.
So there must be something wrong with my system and I'm just very curious why the original one doesn't work for me and how (if possible) to debug in situations like this.
I've been able to narrow it down to the following. If I execute the wget
command without the piped grep and without formatting the json response:
wget -qO - "https://api.github.com/repos/hashicorp/terraform/releases/latest"
then I get a json without any whitespaces (I'll post only one a part of the response):
So naturally the original regex "tag_name": "v\K.*?(?=")
fails because there is no space after :
This is clearly not related to the regex that is passed to the grep or the grep itself. I don't see the point in digging into the response itself here so the original question can be considered resolved (Though if someone knows what could be causing this please post a comment.)