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Firebase hosting Error: Server Error. read ECONNRESET

New to Firebase hosting. I deployed few folders containing images to Firebase hosting.

Today I am facing below issue. I have no clue about it. Any help on this is highly appreciated.


=== Deploying to 'admob-app-id-4307XXXXXX'...

i  deploying database, hosting
+  database: rules ready to deploy.
i  hosting: preparing public directory for upload...

**Error: Server Error. read ECONNRESET**

C:\Users\NAME\Documents\Projects\Website\firebase>firebase deploy

**Error: HTTP Error: 500, An unknown error occurred. Please contact support.**

Snippet from debug log:

[debug] ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[debug] Command:      C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe C:\Users\NAME\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\firebase-tools\bin\firebase deploy
[debug] CLI Version:  3.4.0
[debug] Platform:     win32
[debug] Node Version: v6.10.0
[debug] Time:         Mon Mar 13 2017 14:07:38 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)
[debug] ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[debug] > command requires scopes: ["email","openid","",""]
[debug] >>> HTTP REQUEST GET  
 Mon Mar 13 2017 14:07:38 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)
[debug] <<< HTTP RESPONSE 200
[debug] >>> HTTP REQUEST GET  
 Mon Mar 13 2017 14:07:40 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)
[debug] <<< HTTP RESPONSE 500
[error] Error: HTTP Error: 500, An unknown error occurred. Please contact support.
[debug] Error Context: {
  "body": {
    "error": {
      "code": "UNKNOWN_ERROR",
      "message": "An unknown error occurred. Please contact support."
  "response": {
    "statusCode": 500,
    "body": {
      "error": {
        "code": "UNKNOWN_ERROR",
        "message": "An unknown error occurred. Please contact support."
    "headers": {
      "server": "nginx",
      "date": "Mon, 13 Mar 2017 08:37:34 GMT",
      "content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
      "content-length": "97",
      "connection": "close",
      "x-content-type-options": "nosniff"
    "request": {
      "uri": {
        "protocol": "https:",
        "slashes": true,
        "auth": null,
        "host": "",
        "port": 443,
        "hostname": "",
        "hash": null,
        "search": null,
        "query": null,
        "pathname": "/v1/database/admob-app-id-XXXXXXXXXX/tokens",
        "path": "/v1/database/admob-app-id-XXXXXXXXXX/tokens",
        "href": ""
      "method": "GET"

Much thanks!


  • I just encountered this issue while deploying to Firebase, the solution is what lead me to this post. After making sure that my internet connection was good, i simply deployed successfully.

    Make sure your internet is fine, then redeploy!
