Im using Python 3.6 and xmlrpc to unlink all canceled Sale orders in odoo 11 CE but im still getting this error:
odoo11/odoo/", line 690, in call_kw_multi\n result = method(recs, args, *kwargs)\nTypeError: unlink() missing 1 required positional argument: \'values\'\n'>
ive also tried somehting like:
, [[sale_id]])
instead of:
, [sale_id])
heres my code:
import xmlrpc.client
class Odoo():
def __init__(self):
self.DATA = "DB"
self.USER = "USER"
self.PASS = "PASS"
self.PORT = "8069"
self.URL = "http://localhost"
self.URL_COMMON = "{}:{}/xmlrpc/2/common".format(
self.URL, self.PORT)
self.URL_OBJECT = "{}:{}/xmlrpc/2/object".format(
self.URL, self.PORT)
def authenticateOdoo(self):
self.ODOO_COMMON = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy(self.URL_COMMON)
self.ODOO_OBJECT = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy(self.URL_OBJECT)
self.UID = self.ODOO_COMMON.authenticate(
, self.USER
, self.PASS
, {})
def main():
od = Odoo()
sale_ids = od.ODOO_OBJECT.execute_kw(od.DATA, od.UID, od.PASS, 'sale.order', 'search', [[("state", "=", "cancel")]])
od.ODOO_OBJECT.execute_kw(od.DATA, od.UID, od.PASS, 'sale.order', 'unlink', [sale_ids])
if __name__ == '__main__':
This error is python error, you called a method
that is defined with positional argument values
without argument. The problem here the unlink method of a Model don't accept any arguement.
So check your costum addons where did you inherit the sale.order
model and you override the unlink
method and remove values
Look for this method in your odoo instance and remove values
arguement restart the server and everything will be fine.
_inherit = 'sale.order'
def unlink(values):