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What are the ways in which one can communicate error to the azure pipeline via powershell?

Assuming I am using a Powershell script task to perform some complex things, I want to let the azure pipeline know about the errors.

I know that using exit(0) is success and any non zero exit is a failure which will cause the azure pipeline task to fail (unless continue on error is enabled).

2nd approach is to use write-error which is same as above.

3rd approach is to use write-error to send the output to the stderr via powershell and then on the azure pipeline task set 'Fail on standard error' to true (check-mark). This approach can be used on its own and also along with both the above approachs.

Are there any other ways that I am missing?


  • If you use Write-Error the task will fail even if Fail on standard error not checked.

    Another option is to use alogging command task.logissue:

    ##vso[task.logissue type=error;sourcepath=consoleapp/main.cs;linenumber=1;columnnumber=1;code=100;]this is an error


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