I using the fabric in my project,
1.I have generated the keypairs using the cryptogen tool.
2.I have initiated the fabric ca server using CA key, which is generated using above cryptogen tool.
3.I enroll the admin to the fabric CA its generate the wallet with private key and public key and certificate.
4.Then i register the user to that fabric ca server i get the user certificate, private key.
5. Then i create the channel and install the chain code and initiate it.
When i query chain code from node js with the user register above, its throw the error
MSP error: the supplied identity is not valid: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
Do i need to provide any details related to fabric ca while generating the cryptogen tools.
MSP error: the supplied identity is not valid: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
Probably, you have used certificates for the network issued by one CA
Later you created admin certs with another CA
That's why it is complaining
Delete all containers, clear everything and start again make sure you don't generate certs from cryptogen twice