Using PGAdmin (Postgresql), I'm trying to remove all special characters except the - in the fields.
Current command being used:
regexp_replace(b.DOWNCASE_NAME, '[^\w\s]', '', 'g') as CONDITION_NAME_DC,
That will change "ovarian sertoli-leydig cell tumor" to "ovarian sertolileydig cell tumor"
I used this because there are fields which contain commas, forward slashes and I don't need those. But how do I use regexp_replace to remove those characters except for the - ?
You can exclude the -
in the pattern using ^-
as shown below
select regexp_replace('ova@ri/an serto#li-leydi!g cel/l tumor', '[^\w\s^-]', '', 'g')
ovarian sertoli-leydig cell tumor